Sunday, June 21, 2009

Task 8

"Do Schools Kill Creativity"
Ken Robinson, exhibit on this problematic.
Initially he demonstrates the uncertain future that our children will face. Under that living conditions will be exposed.
Nowadays, the requirements are high. It is not enough to obtain a title, it is necessary to continue with the studies to use in the current world. In addition, the sciences are prioritized. Many children must focus his studies in these areas more than for his real pleasure. This excludes certain areas of the intelligence that the child might develop. The intelligence, for Robinson it is diverse, dynamic and distinctive. It should not focus on the child to developing only a type of intelligence.
Robinson makes clear that the children possess a potential. The one that stimulates them to commit often mistakes, but that on having been stigmatized by these, the child loses his motivation. By this way, the education should be orientated to help the child to develop his potential, still when this one is not prioritized. In this aspect, he exemplified with the life of a ballerina who now has what is called a success in the life, simply because she was capable of following her motivation.

1 comment:

  1. Good Content, Paulo.

    This is the marking criteria:

    All aspects of the task are very well handled.
    3 points.

    Some problems with word formation and usage. Occasional lapses in coherence that hinders clarity of message. 1.5 points.

    Grammar is weak with noticeable errors.
    1 point.

    5.5 points: 4.5 final mark
