Monday, June 29, 2009

Task 10

I think my ideal job doesn’t exist, because it is a mix of different subjects.
In a beginning I thought became a gastronome, cause I love the kitchen and I’m very interested to know about it. But the problem is that you lose the contact with people.
After, I thought became a traveller, cause there is only you and the road, you create the road, but is difficult if you don’t have any extra skills, I mean, if I became a psychology at lease I can stop in a city and start a job, but if right now I decide to travel will be difficult cause I only can work in a bad paid jobs.
So, according to this, I decide to be a writer. Because I love let my imagination free. But, like gastronomy, you lose the contact with people. And the type of books I love to write will be those about people who really experiment what are talking about. One of the books who really let me thinking was “El Lobo Estepario”, this book really make me think about the type of person I want to be, if I want to be a person who live the day, or the type of person who really go out and try to discover the meaning of life. I really want to take a piece of the life, and enjoy it as my wish.
So, according to all this things, I think I would be a philosopher, but knowing how to cook and who travel to know what life is about. And I think I’m on it by slow steps but, the real travel does not need a road to walk in it. It’s in the simple and ordinary life, that the real road is it. It depends of you to go out and discover.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Task 8

"Do Schools Kill Creativity"
Ken Robinson, exhibit on this problematic.
Initially he demonstrates the uncertain future that our children will face. Under that living conditions will be exposed.
Nowadays, the requirements are high. It is not enough to obtain a title, it is necessary to continue with the studies to use in the current world. In addition, the sciences are prioritized. Many children must focus his studies in these areas more than for his real pleasure. This excludes certain areas of the intelligence that the child might develop. The intelligence, for Robinson it is diverse, dynamic and distinctive. It should not focus on the child to developing only a type of intelligence.
Robinson makes clear that the children possess a potential. The one that stimulates them to commit often mistakes, but that on having been stigmatized by these, the child loses his motivation. By this way, the education should be orientated to help the child to develop his potential, still when this one is not prioritized. In this aspect, he exemplified with the life of a ballerina who now has what is called a success in the life, simply because she was capable of following her motivation.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Task 9

My favorite matter is anthropology.
It is given by professor Dimas.
I like it because it treats of the interactions between individuals and in society.
From my point of view, it is important because includes important elements as the culture and the communication.
For example, in order that the communication could be effected, the individuals must understand what they communicate, even if his expectation are not fulfilled. The individual hopes that these are fulfilled, but since it is not possible to foresee the behavior of other one, the communication is determined by the contingency, that is to say, that happens does not imply that like that is kept in the time. It is for this that on having communicated, we try to foresee the behavior of other one and for ende, to reduce the double contingency, that is to say, that both foresee more less than other one he will say to continue with the communication.
Some of these topics are vital, since they show us the importance of being able to understand the individual as holder of his own expectations which with the due training, as psychologists we will be able to improve the interaction with the patient. This way we will provide a better help.