Sunday, May 31, 2009

Task 6

In this imagen Jean Peaget works with a child. During his carrer he worked with many including his sons.

In my opinion Jean Piaget was the best on psychology field because he makes theories about the early intellectual development. I think he is the best in this area, because he was interested in showing the necesary process to learn. At the age of 10 years, his first article was published. And at his 14 he has the chance to work in a museum. His early development, motivated him to study the cognitive development.
In his theories he talks about certain schemes that let explain the world to persons.
These schames are combined in different patrons of behave.
He thinks that the cognitive develpoment can be divided in four stages. The correct cognitive development needs that the child overcomes these four stages.
These four stages are:
Sensory-motive (age 0-2) The child uses the basic schemes.
Operational (age 2-7) The child acquires the aptitude to represent in his mind objects that are not physically.
Pre-concrete (age 7-11) To realize mental operations with the presence of the object of the one that is reasoned.
Formal operations (age 11) The thought becomes abstract.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations, Paulo, your English is improving! Great job.

    Only some comments:

    Piaget is dead or alive? Why do you mix present and past tenses when you refer to him?

    Also, analyze the following sentences; what´s wrong?

    - These schames are combined in different patrons of behave.

    - Pre-concrete (age 7-11) To realize mental operations with the presence of the object of the one that is reasoned.

    You get 2 points.

